Direct Mail Suppression Lists

With suppression lists, maintaining high-quality data practices becomes easy – any records in the mailing list for your campaign that match the suppression list are excluded. 


Postalytics ensures you only send direct mail to recipients who are the right fit for your campaign. Stop wasting marketing dollars.


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Reduce costs and save time with suppression lists

Sending mail to people who are not the target of a specific campaign wastes resources and results in a negative experience for the recipients.


Avoiding this is easy – export data from CRM or an accounting system and create a suppression list in Postalytics.

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Standardize addresses for comparison with CASS

Mailing addresses in different formats? Postalytics uses the CASS system to standardize address formats, making it easier to reformat the addresses on your suppression list to match the mailing lists.


The software can identify matches and suppress the corresponding address from the mailing list.

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Manage suppression lists with in-app tools or API

Suppression lists must be maintained as audience preferences and segments keep changing.


Our platform makes management easy. Use the application’s controls or the Postalytics API to delete, add, or modify records without hassle.

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Edit, download, append, or delete suppression lists

Suppression lists need to be edited from time to time. Your audience may opt out, or you may need to remove people who want to start receiving direct mail again.


Postalytics makes it easy to edit or delete these suppression lists according to your requirements. You can also download these lists for further use.

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✅Direct Mail Editor & Proofer

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✅ Lowest Per-Piece Price

✅ Unlimited White Labeled Client Accounts & Margin

✅ Easy Management Tools

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Sales Engine uses Postalytics Agency Edition to get happy clients

Learn how Postalytics Agency Edition can be used to build custom mails for different clients

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Postalytics integrates with your favorite tech

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Get Inspired By

Find out how Postalytics customers outperform their competition with direct mail

Use direct mail integrations to drive business

Buffer Insurance triggers automated direct mailers using integration

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Drive engagement with multi-channel strategies

Use automated direct mail to target email non-responders

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Generate leads with no minimum direct mail automation

Vacation Reputation enables tiny batch, fully personalized mail with direct mail automation

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Run affordable, flexible campaigns

Know more about how a plumbing company uses Postalytics to run a high number of small-list campaigns

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Our Customers Say It Best

“If you didn’t know you were doing postal mail, you’d think you were running an email campaign while working with Postalytics.”

– Chris Langone, CME Marketing

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The first direct mail automation platform. Reap tested-and-tried marketing channels from the comfort of your computer.