Revolutionize with Automation

Direct Mail Marketing

Revolutionize your marketing strategy with Postalytics. Seamlessly blend traditional mail, digital tracking, and CRM integrations for impactful outreach.

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No credit card required

a woman holding a cup hot coffee on her right hand and a piece of paper on her left hand

Trusted by thousands of companies

Free templates

No mailing caps

3,000+ integrations

Stand Out with Personalized Direct Mail

With Postalytics, businesses can elevate their outreach, delivering personalized mail that creates a deeper, more memorable connection than email alone.

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Real-Time Tracking and Measurement

Gain complete visibility into your campaign’s performance. Postalytics offers real-time tracking, allowing businesses to monitor the delivery status and measure audience engagement online.

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Smart Mailing Lists for Better Response

Maximize your response rates. With Postalytics’ easy list importing and USPS address validation, you ensure that every piece of mail reaches its intended recipient.

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Integration with Marketing and CRM Platforms

Seamlessly connect Postalytics with platforms like HubSpot, Salesforce, or Zapier. Automate postcard dispatches to email non-responders and architect intricate multi-channel campaigns.

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Quick and Easy Direct Mail Campaign Creation

Craft and dispatch direct mail campaigns with ease using Postalytics. Benefit from transparent pricing with zero hidden charges for list imports.

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Choose the Right Plan for You

Choose the Right Plan for You. No credit card required.
No need to cancel your account as you will always have a free account with Postalytics.

Marketer Plan

Unlock your full potential with tech integrations, free templates, and intelligent customer targeting that leaves no waste.

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Pro & Agency Plan

Get All Marketer Plan features plus even better prices, multi-user management, and tools for immense scale.

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Postalytics Agency Edition - Sales Engine

Learn how Sales Engine uses the Postalytics Agency Edition to automate direct mail marketing for local businesses

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Postalytics integrates with your favorite tech

Discover 3,000+ direct mail integrations developed to help marketers

Learn more about our integrations

Get Inspired By

Find out how Postalytics customers outperform their competition with direct mail

Scale While Saving Money

The MCC drives credit union refinancing with personalized mailers from Salesforce lists and workflows

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Zogics Nets 500% ROI Jump With Personalized Postcards

Ecommerce Direct Mail Case Study

Dr. Alex Rinehart

Sending direct mail to cold email subscribers boosts ROI by 30%

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Sigma Marketing

Triggered letters from HubSpot bring 100% more leads

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our customers say it best

“I can get these mailings all done at once, rather than having to find time to coordinate them at busy times. I’ll schedule six months in advance and then just let them go.”

– Michael D’Errico, My Georgia Plumber

Start with Direct Mail Marketing Today

Ready to take your marketing to the next level? Start your free trial today!