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Get Your Mortgage Mailing Lists & Leads

Reach new mortgage leads with hyper-targeted Postalytics mailing lists. Get yours today.

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Trusted by thousands of companies

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No mailing caps

3,000+ integrations

Buy mortgage mailing list with quality leads

Postalytics helps mortgage originators buy mailing lists from top brokers in the United States. Our lists are constantly updated with new consumer data and addresses and can be integrated and used with your direct mail campaigns.

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Use specialized filters to target mortgage customers

Target the right people with our mailing lists. We provide various options for filtering people by age, location and income to create a highly-targeted group that matches the demographic you are looking for.

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Personalize your mortgage mailers

When sending out direct mail material, personalization wins. With segmented mailing lists, you can send the right message to your target audience in your mortgage letter, postcard, or other direct mail material.

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Choose the Right Plan for You

Start with a free account today. No credit card required.
No need to cancel your account as you will always have a free account with Postalytics.

Free Plan

✅Direct Mail Editor & Proofer

✅ Direct Mail Templates

✉️ Send Samples

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Pro & Agency Plan

✅ Lowest Per-Piece Price

✅ Unlimited White Labeled Client Accounts & Margin

✅ Easy Management Tools

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Personalize Multiple Touchpoints that Convert Prospects

Automatically trigger sending of multiple touchpoints that feel personal and keep your offer top of mind.

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Postalytics integrates with your favorite tech

Discover 3,000+ direct mail integrations developed to help marketers

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Get Inspired By

Find out how Postalytics customers outperform their competition with direct mail

Multiple, Scheduled Touches Generate High Quality Leads

See how a mailing list and direct mail automation software generated a game-changing number of leads

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Automated FSBO & Awareness Campaigns Drive Growth

McLemore & Co. drives 20 agent outreach with automated direct mail

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Credit Union Marketing With Saleforce Integration

The Member Closing Center drives credit union refinancing with personalized mailers from Salesforce lists and workflows

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Insurance Brokerage Triggers Automated Mailers From Zoho

Buffer Insurance triggers postcards and letters that drive leads and referrals

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Frequently Asked Questions

Highly Automated, Very Personal, Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns

“I’m really excited about Postalytics’ ability to send just one mailpiece at a time. All the other solutions we researched wanted us to send batches of 100 or 200. I have seen no one else that will send a single piece of mail based on actions in a Zoho CRM.”

– Sean Turner, Buffer Insurance CEO & Founder

Get Your Mortgage Mailing List & Leads Today

Grow your business with highly targeted mortgage leads