Reactivate cold leads. Cold leads are frustrating, because they demonstrated interest at one point—yet failed to convert for reasons that are typically unknown. However, there is often life in a percentage of them.
Because they likely ignored your last emails, start with a short letter in an envelope. This will get past any B2B gatekeepers as well as attract more attention than an email might. Follow up with a series of emails interspersed with direct mail to create a double-barrel effort to reactivate these leads.
Mail a letter and reintroduce the benefits you provide and extend a special offer
Reference the mailing and elaborate on its content
Highlight success stories of customers similar to them
Postcard with last chance at offer
Tell email recipient they’ll be removed from your list this week if you don’t hear from them
NOTE: Once a lead responds, remove it from this flow. If people request to be removed, you must honor that request. However industry stats show an average 5-15% reactivation success rate with Week #5’s tactic.