Automated Direct Mail Strategy Leads to Outstanding Adoption Rates for Florida-Based Fiber Internet Provider

“We have certainly ramped up since switching to Postalytics, one because of ease of use, and two because of the results that we’ve seen since the switch. We’ve been very pleased and direct mail is one of the marketing team’s biggest channels.”


Danielle Sprague, Director of Acquisition Marketing, IQ Fiber


IQ Fiber constructs fiber optic networks and delivers high-speed internet to communities in North Florida. This three-year-old company distinguishes itself from its competitors by offering 100% fiber optic transmission, transparent pricing, and attentive customer service. 

IQ Fiber often introduces fiber optic technology to residents who receive internet services from only coax cable or wireless telephone companies. Consumers have found service plans and invoices from these legacy internet service providers confusing and full of extra fees. IQ Fiber’s lightning-fast data speeds and simple, flat-rate pricing make it easy for customers to transition to fiber internet.

The Challenge

IQ Fiber prides itself on transparency. The company strives to keep customers informed throughout each step of the process, including brand introduction, construction, service launch, and beyond. It operates in several cities and neighborhoods simultaneously, with projects at various stages.

In terms of their direct mail program, consistent delivery and response tracking are vitally important to IQ Fiber. They must be careful not to damage their brand’s image by mailing material that, for example, announces upcoming construction after work has begun. In their efforts to deliver relevant news and keep their customers informed, real-time mail piece tracking that tells IQ Fiber when their mail is delivered by the USPS would be tremendously helpful.

The company exposes potential customers to the IQ Fiber brand throughout the construction cycles and release-to-market events. They also contact customers according to intent. 

Before engaging with Postalytics, the IQ Fiber marketing team used a local print service provider to manage its direct mail process. They switched to Postalytics due to the online creative editing capabilities, the pricing structure (i.e. not paying extra for dynamic creative), and the reporting capabilities. According to Danielle Sprague, IQ Fiber’s Director of Acquisition Marketing, “The templates, in particular, are great because we can reuse creative as we build in new areas and customize the text for each neighborhood. It reinforces that we’re local and gives a customized feel to the creatives without adding too much extra work for our team.”

The company needed a reliable direct mail automation solution that allowed them to send proper messages to the right people, at the right time, and track the results. An improved automated approach would be necessary.

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The Solution

IQ Fiber Direct Mail Postcard Front
IQ Fiber Direct Mail Postcard Back
IQ Fiber Direct Mail Postcard Back

After a smooth transition to Postalytics, IQ Fiber expanded its use of direct mail to include additional marketing and service initiatives. The marketing team brought Postalytics into their environment and immediately experienced many improvements.

“It was much easier on our creative team because we just input templates rather than creating a new mail piece for each campaign,” noted Sprague, comparing Postalytics to their previous process.

IQ Fiber is primarily making full use of large, 6” x 11” postcards to keep their customers and shoppers informed.

We found those [6” x 11”] pieces stand out amongst all the other mail pieces that people are getting throughout the day. Between the size of the piece and our colorful branding, they stick out pretty well.”

Danielle Sprague, Director of Acquisition Marketing, IQ Fiber

Not all the mail is aimed directly at generating sales and leads. Ms. Sprague explained that IQ Fiber uses direct mail to “warm up” neighborhoods to the idea that fiber is coming—well before they schedule construction. This method is especially useful when the company must secure permission from property managers or homeowner associations.

Fiber companies must secure a valid right-of-entry (R.O.E.) before they have permission to begin installations in some areas. The warm-up mail aims to build support among the residents that can influence community decision-makers who will issue the R.O.E.

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The Results

Automated direct mail powered by Postalytics has been quite successful for IQ Fiber. They gauge success by measuring responses through personalized QR codes featured on every mail piece. They have also noted increases in website traffic and leads that occur when the postcards are delivered to a target area — even when customers don’t scan the QR codes.

Ms. Sprague points out that Postalytics has even contributed to creativity and campaign development. With their previous platform, IQ Fiber needed to reach a certain volume level to qualify for reasonable pricing. Postalytics has no minimum sending volumes, which encourages customers to experiment with low financial risk. The marketing team is free to try different approaches or include variable text and images to see what works best.

“We have certainly ramped up since switching to Postalytics, one because of ease of use, and two because of the results that we’ve seen since the switch. We’ve been very pleased and direct mail is one of the marketing team’s biggest channels.”

Danielle Sprague, Director of Acquisition Marketing, IQ Fiber

IQ Fiber does not release data about its adoption rates for new areas, but the company describes adoptions as “very good”. They are happy with the performance of their automated direct mail strategy, which they feel contributes to their outstanding adoption rate success.

Next Steps

IQ Fiber is growing, so managing more campaigns in more geographic areas is certainly part of their plan. They also intend to integrate direct mail more closely with their CRM and use individual customer data to better personalize and trigger direct mail. Eventually, their direct mail efforts will extend to customer retention and win-back campaigns. As a relatively new organization, IQ Fiber is concentrating on its core mission right now as it builds the network and signs new customers.


The fiber optic internet business is complicated, with many moving parts. Companies like IQ Fiber must manage communications and marketing campaigns in many communities simultaneously. With its geographic orientation, direct mail is the perfect channel for publicizing and promoting fiber optic services. However, it takes a sophisticated and automated platform to handle all the details and keep campaigns on track.

IQ Fiber believes direct mail is a key factor fueling its growth and success in North Florida. Postalytics has enabled the company’s marketing team to use direct mail affordably and effectively, which is consistent with their goals of transparency and reliable communication.

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