Where to Buy Postcards: 12 Options To Consider 

Where to buy postcards near you and online

Where can you buy postcards?

There are a few options. You can create postcards online at home, buy postcards from a retailer, or have them printed at a photo lab. To help you make the best choice, we have listed 12 places where you can buy postcards or even create postcards online to send to business customers and prospects.

Take a look at these US-based postcard providers to find the one that’s right for you. 

1. Postalytics

Postalytics is the perfect destination for buying customizable postcards online.

Postcards are an excellent tool for brands to promote their new products, send coupons to customers, or introduce new products. When you’re ready to design your postcard, Postalytics offers free templates that allow you to customize your postcard with your company logo, images, and marketing message. Think everything from real estate to vintage postcards. You can even buy blank postcards for a creative automated campaign.

2. Etsy

Etsy is a global marketplace where you can find handmade, vintage, or creative products. Some Etsy vendors sell postcards in the blank, pre-printed or customizable options. You can buy a single card or a larger quantity. Unfortunately, not all of these sellers offer global shipping. It’s similar to visiting gift shops that sell postcards.

3. Hallmark

You’ll be hard-pressed to find Hallmark stores that carry postcards. However, you can buy them online, including blank postcards vintage, and travel postcards. Hallmark is known for its greeting cards and has not focused on the postcard market, meaning their range is limited. If you prefer the format of a traditional card to a postcard, Hallmark’s online store is the place to go. The downside is that you have to buy envelopes, which is not the case when sending a postcard. 

4. Walmart

Walmart is one of the most convenient places to buy postcards. It sells blank postcards, pre-printed postcards, and invitation-style postcards. At Walmart Photo, you can also have custom postcards made, some of which you can pick up the same day and others that they can deliver to your home. Another great option that Walmart offers is that you can bring your photos into a Walmart Photo department, and the staff will make the cards for you.

5. Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble is one of the largest bookstore chains in the United States. They also sell postcards for every occasion, such as weddings, birthdays, and holidays like Christmas. Almost every store has them on offer, but you can also purchase postcards online, so they can be delivered to the nearest B&N that offers in-store pickup.

6. CVS

CVS Photo offers several templates for personalized photo cards similar to postcards. You can select a template and upload your favorite photo, and you can pick up the printed cards the same day at select stores. Alternatively, you can have your order mailed to you directly from the CVS website.

7. Office Depot OfficeMax 

Office Depot OfficeMax offers a variety of postcards that you can create and purchase online. You can choose from a wide range of colors, fonts, and sizes. If you do not have time to design your own postcard, Office Depot OfficeMax also has a small selection of pre-made postcards. This is a good option to buy postcards online.

Travel Postcard on a brown background

8. Target

Target is a one-stop store for all your essentials. But what about postcards? Target sells blank postcards that you can design and print yourself at home. For those who do not have access to a printer or want a ready-made postcard, there are also invitation-style postcards with designs on them.

9. United States Postal Service (USPS)

If you’re running low on postcards and stamps and can’t find them in your local store, USPS is the next best thing for buying postcards. The USPS sells postcards and postage stamps online as well as in-store. Some postcards are pre-stamped, so postage is included in the price. And although availability varies from place to place, the USPS will likely have a great range to select from so buying postcards comes easy.

10. Walgreens

Walgreens’ photo department offers customizable postcards, so you don’t need to worry about where to buy unique postcards. Walgreens has an excellent selection of postcard templates online with plenty of photos to choose from, but you can also access the material in-store. When you design your postcards online, you upload your photo(s) and place your order before picking them up at the store or shipping them to your desired location. When using some in-store design equipment, you can pick up your postcards at the store the same day. It may take a few days for your postcards to be ready when using other devices to design your postcards.

11. Amazon

Who says you can only get cheap postcards in bulk if you print them yourself? Amazon has a wide selection of ready-made postcards that you can purchase on their website. The best thing about these cards is that they come in bulk and are cheaper to produce than printing them yourself.

12. eBay

As a huge online marketplace, there are so many choices available to buy postcards through eBay. The benefit is that you can access hundreds of postcard sellers with special interests or specialties like vintage and art postcards. 

How many stamps do I need for a postcard?

The number of stamps you need to post postcards is dependent upon the final destination.

For example, sending postcards across America with the United States postal service is affordable. You only need one stamp to send a regular postcard anywhere in the US, which may set you back $0.40 per postcard sent. If you’d like to use international First-Class mail, be ready to pay $1.30 in postage, even if you’re sending your own postcards.

To get the most recent information about mail, check USPS or Postalytics pricing pages.

What do we recommend?

Postcards are a popular marketing strategy for businesses.

They are also a great way to show the people in your life that they are important to you, whether they are family or friends. In this post, we have looked at where you can buy postcards so you can make the choice that’s right for you. You can purchase blank postcards in store or online at Walmart, the Post Office, CVS, Walgreens, Amazon, and Target.

If you want to buy in bulk, it’s best to buy online or use Postalytics’ free online postcard maker, which bundles the cost of designing, printing, and mailing personalized postcards.

About the Author

Dennis Kelly
Dennis Kelly
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Dennis Kelly is CEO and co-founder of Postalytics. Dennis joined Boingnet, the predecessor to Postalytics, in 2013. Boingnet was focused on providing print and direct mail marketing service providers the ability to add digital marketing channels to their direct mail campaigns. Postalytics is Dennis’ 6th startup. He has been involved in starting and growing early-stage technology ventures for over 30 years and has held senior management roles at a diverse set of large technology firms including Computer Associates, Palm Inc. and Achieve Healthcare Information Systems.
