Boost Your Lead Generation with Marketo-Powered Direct Mail via Postalytics

Many companies have moved away from a digital-only approach to lead generation. They’ve realized that social media or email marketing alone is ineffective.

Direct marketing has become a popular channel for marketers to generate and nurture leads. In fact, it receives the highest ROI of 112% across all mediums, followed by SMS, email, and paid search.

But you need the right tools to make lead generation from direct marketing seamless. Marketo is one marketing automation tool that offers great results when combined with Postalytics.

In this article, we’ll discuss Postalytics-Marketo integration, why you should integrate the two platforms, and how to maximize the benefits.

What is Marketo?

Marketo sales insight snippet on Adobe Experience Cloud landing page

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Marketo is a marketing automation platform that helps streamline and optimize marketing efforts. It offers tools for email marketing, lead management, customer engagement, and analytics. Marketo enables marketers to create personalized and data-driven campaigns across channels like email, social media, and the web. 

With robust analytics and reporting, marketers can track performance and refine strategies in real-time. Marketo’s automation capabilities reduce manual tasks, enhance efficiency, and improve ROI. 

It’s an essential tool for businesses aiming to boost engagement and drive growth.

Key Features of Marketo

Why should companies integrate their direct mail platform with Marketo?

Marketo offers a wide range of key features designed to optimize and streamline marketing efforts. Here are the main features:

  • Lead management: Automate lead scoring, nurturing, and segmentation. This allows marketers to prioritize and engage high-quality leads.
  • Email marketing: Create, automate, and personalize email campaigns to drive engagement and conversions.
  • Cross-channel marketing: Coordinates marketing efforts across various channels. These include email, social media, web, and mobile to create a cohesive strategy.
  • Social marketing: Integrates social media campaigns, enabling tracking and engagement with audiences on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • Interactive webinars: This feature facilitates the planning, execution, and follow-up of webinars, enhancing lead generation and engagement.
  • Sales insights: Provides real-time data and analytics to the sales team. This data can improve the alignment between sales and marketing.
  • Account profiling: Helps in identifying and targeting high-value accounts with personalized marketing efforts.
  • Segmentation: Segment audiences based on behavior, demographics, and other criteria for targeted campaigns.
  • Content personalization: Delivers personalized content recommendations based on user behavior and preferences.
  • Marketing analytics: Use analytics and reporting tools to measure campaign performance and ROI. These tools enable real-time tracking and data-driven decisions.

Why Should Companies Integrate Their Direct Mail Platform With Marketo?

Do you spend weeks or months on a single direct mail campaign? By integrating your direct mail platform with Market, you can tap into four benefits that will turbocharge your campaign production. 

1. Unified Customer Data

Integrating an automated direct mail platform with Marketo unifies customer data. This creates a comprehensive view of each customer across all marketing channels. The integration allows for the synchronization of data from digital campaigns and direct mail efforts, ensuring consistent messaging and enhanced personalization.

Using Marketo, a retail company can track a customer’s online browsing history and previous purchases. When this data syncs with a direct mail platform, the company can send personalized direct mail offers based on the customer’s online behavior. For example, say a customer frequently browses women’s apparel. You could send them a targeted mailer featuring exclusive discounts on those items. This unified customer data approach enhances targeting accuracy, improves engagement, and increases conversions.

2. Automated Workflows

Marketo automation allows marketers to set triggers based on customer behaviors and interactions, ensuring timely and relevant communications.

For example, a financial services company can create an automated workflow where a potential client who fills out an online interest form is automatically added to a nurturing campaign. Marketo can then trigger a series of follow-up emails. After a specific period, the integrated direct mail platform can send a direct mail program with detailed information about its services. 

This seamless automation helps with improved customer engagement and higher conversion rates.

3. Enhanced Personalization

Marketers can use insights from Marketo to tailor direct mail content to individual customer preferences and behaviors. This makes the message resonate more – and drives engagement.

For example, a travel agency can segment customers in Marketo based on their past travel history and preferences. Marketo users can then create personalized direct mail pieces through Postalytics that feature variable data like;

  • The recipient’s name,
  • Their favorite destinations, 
  • Personalized URLs (pURLs) that lead to customized landing pages.

This level of personalization increases the relevance and appeal of the mailers. For example, this Ohio-based firm specializing in tax law, used personalization to get a 5% response rate and 75% conversion rate.

4. Lead Nurturing and Scoring

Marketers can seamlessly integrate personalized direct mail into their lead nurturing strategies.

For example, a software company can use Marketo to track and score leads based on online behaviors like webinar attendance or eBook downloads. When a lead reaches a specific score, an automated workflow can trigger a direct mail piece via the integrated platform.

This physical touchpoint reinforces digital communications, making the nurturing process more robust. By combining online and offline interactions, marketers can move leads closer to conversion.

What is Postalytics?

Postalytics landing page

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Postalytics is an advanced direct mail automation platform. It’s designed to simplify and enhance direct mail campaigns. With features like dynamic fields, pURLs and variable data printing, Postalytics ensures each mail piece is tailored. This personalization increases engagement and response rates.

Marketers use Postalytics because it transforms traditional direct mail into a data-driven, targeted marketing channel. The platform provides analytics and tracking capabilities, allowing marketers to measure campaign effectiveness and optimize it for better results—just like they would for email. 

Best of all, it integrates seamlessly with marketing automation tools like Marketo. Marketers can automate, personalize, and track direct mail efforts as easily as digital campaigns.

Key Features of Postalytics

Key features of Postalytics

Postalytics transforms traditional direct mail into a modern, data-driven marketing channel. Its key features are:

  • Automation: Postalytics integrates with marketing automation platforms like Marketo, HubSpot, and Salesforce. These integrations allow marketers to set up automated workflows that trigger direct mail based on specific customer behaviors and events.
  • Personalization: The platform supports dynamic fields and variable data printing. This feature enables the creation of highly personalized mail pieces tailored to each recipient’s preferences and past interactions.
  • Personalized URLs (pURLs): Postalytics allows personalized URLs to be included in mail pieces. You can use pURLs to direct recipients to customized landing pages.
  • Template library: Marketers can choose from a variety of pre-designed templates or create their own.

Detailed analytics: The platform provides robust tracking and analytics. It offers insights into delivery rates, open rates, and overall campaign performance.

How to Leverage Marketo-Postalytics Integration?

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With the Marketo-Postalytics integration, marketers get the power of digital and direct mail campaigns. Here are the four key things you can do with this integration.

  • Create personalized campaigns: Utilize Marketo’s customer data to personalize direct mail pieces through Postalytics. You can incorporate dynamic fields to tailor content based on recipient behavior, demographics, and preferences gathered from Marketo.
  • Set up triggered mails: Set up automated workflows in Marketo that trigger direct mail based on predefined customer actions or milestones. For instance, you can send a thank-you note after a lead completes a webinar registration. Or, you could send a special offer immediately when a customer reaches a specific lead score.
  • Initiate multi-touch campaigns: Create multi-touch campaigns by combining direct mail with email and social media. Marketo’s integration with Postalytics ensures each touchpoint fits the campaign’s message and goals.
  • Get analytics: Track campaign performance using Postalytics’ analytics tools integrated with Marketo. 

To learn more about the steps for integrating the two platforms, read this detailed guide.

Boost Your Direct Mail Campaigns With Postalytics-Marketo Integration

Integrating Marketo with Postalytics for direct mail campaigns can elevate lead generation strategies. 

By combining Marketo’s robust automation and customer insights with Postalytics’ ability to personalize and deliver direct mail, businesses can create compelling, multi-channel experiences that resonate with their audience. 

Want to experiment with the integration and leverage the different features?

Register for free on Postalytics today.