The Insurance Marketing Ideas That Simply Work

Whether you’re running an insurance agency or operating individually, insurance marketing is necessary to expand your business. Life and health insurance agencies also need to market their services like auto insurance, landlord insurance, home insurance, or other insurance policies. A well-designed marketing plan can help you make a great difference in your sales record.

Of course, using marketing methods is not an easy task and requires time and energy. But if you opt for products like Postalytics, things become much easier for you. Read further to get an idea about what insurance marketing is and how you can do it.

What is Insurance Marketing?

Insurance marketing refers to marketing strategies for insurance services with the goal of profit generation and customer orientation. This type of marketing predominantly focuses on mixing several strategies for the insurance agency so that the business thrives appropriately.

In the insurance business, marketing ideas and methods are not just a means to expand but to get people to think about their futures. When insurance companies don’t think carefully about the methods they choose to sell, they may not get the results they were hoping for. You need to choose a marketing strategy that encourages people to think about unpleasant things like disaster and death to find ways to secure their futures, such as purchasing an insurance policy provided by your business.

Note that insurance is not a tangible product; it only exists in this world as a form of a pledge, such as a promise to support one’s family when they are dead or a promise to finance medical as they take their final breaths. Consequently, you need to choose strong and impactful yet simple marketing options that don’t look forced or like you’re only doing this for self-gain.

Perhaps the best option for this is direct mail marketing.

How Buffer Insurance Rapidly Grew with Marketing Integrations

Have you ever heard of the name Buffer Insurance?

Of course, you have. The company was founded in 2018 and saw rapid growth soon after its inception by leveraging marketing integrations to interact with new clients and retain older ones.

Buffer Insurance benefited from automated direct mail by connecting with the ZOHO CRM. This decision helped them drive referrals and leads.

The average 65-year-old American is inundated with emails, phone calls, and messages encouraging them to sign up for health policies. Therefore, Buffer needed to use a unique yet robust strategy that differentiated them from other providers. This is why they choose automatic direct mail with Postalytics to generate results. Besides offering a unique approach, they also focus on educating consumers and giving them peace of mind.

Why Buffer Insurance Choose Postlaytics?

Our easy-to-use platform offers a list of features that helps providers communicate with current customers and find more leads. It offers integration options, such as allowing insurance companies to connect Zoho with Postalytics.

Buffer Insurance was looking for a solution to implement its vision of leadership development and customer communication. On-demand mails triggered by different CRM systems Postalytics’ key feature appealed to Buffer Insurance. In addition, the ability to send one personalized mail at a time based on actions in a Zoho CRM instead of sending hundreds of mails at once was seen as a great benefit.

As Buffer Insurance has a distinctive marketing approach, they wanted the personalized letter format that Postalytics offers.

Postalytics helped them create a personalized message to educate consumers who would soon turn 65. These messages incorporated essential information in the mail, like the benefit of health insurance and why they need it, to help consumers evaluate their nee

Another personalized touch utilized by Buffer was sending CRM-driven birthday postcards. These helped build a personal relationship while serving as a reminder for seniors that it’s time to make smart decisions to secure their future. Again, the Postalytics platform makes such industry agency marketing campaigns easy to send – even for those without a marketing experience.

Insurance Marketing Ideas for Insurance Agents in 2022

There are many insurance marketing ideas for you to use. Here are some marketing ideas that you can benefit from in 2022.

Personalized Direct Mail Postcards

Personalized direct mail postcards have more of an impact on customers than standard mail. Adding a person’s name with content related to them can boost the response rate by 500% compared to sending a simple postcard.

Postalytics allows insurance companies to insert variable data fields to personalize direct mail. You can add different information in the online direct mail template, like name, address, message, etc. Since you will be able to connect your CRM with Postalytics, you can personalize each postcard with just a few clicks. There is no need to make phone calls, arrange meetings, or send emails to gather information or design a postcard.

Inserting variable data fields gives you the freedom to greet your audience by name or add more informative and sophisticated text. Such content encourages your customers to think about making a purchase. This advanced technique will not require much effort or energy on your part but will yield fantastic results.

CRM Triggered Direct Mail

Triggered direct mail is another effective way to expand your insurance business. Once you connect your automation tool with Postalytics, it will leverage the data to run CRM-triggered direct mail campaigns. Triggered mails send letters and postcards at the right time and at any time of the customer journey.

Using Postalytics, you can do the following things:

  • Re-engage with leads that haven’t responded to your emails
  • Connect with new leads by sending personalized letters
  • Combine with an email to nurture leads

Furthermore, you can send letters and postcards by integrating Salesforce, HubSpot, Keep/Infusionsoft, AactiveCampaign, Zapier, or other workflow software. So, no matter what CRM or modern workflow automation tool you use, you can still use Postalytics to design an effective campaign.

Email and Direct Mail Combo

Email marketing may seem like an overrated method, but it can greatly impact your clients. A survey indicates that 29% of marketers believe email marketing is the most powerful tool. Note that 25% of marketers rated social media marketing most effective, while 22% suggested that SEO is the best technique. These stats show that emails have a far deeper impact and are no less than popular marketing methods like social media ads.

Creating a campaign by mixing direct mail and email technique will deliver the best results. Here are some tips and tricks to combine direct mail with email.

  • Deliver sophisticated information via both channels to emphasize your message.
  • Each time you send a new email or direct mail, start communication by continuing where you left off in the last direct mail or email.
  • Leverage direct mail to bring the lead’s attention to an important message
  • Make sure direct mail and email have similar graphic standards and reflect the same theme and voice
  • Follow up with direct mail to engage consumers who haven’t responded to your emails

Marketing Ideas for Health Insurance Business

An effective health insurance marketing strategy can boost your sales without the need for expensive and tricky marketing ideas. Instead, focus on simple and holistic marketing ideas that target the audience.

Local insurance agencies or bigger corporates can use the following ideas to sell their services.

Gather Online Reviews of Your Insurance Agency

Thousands of consumers read reviews each day, and 93% of them make purchase decisions by reading what your customers have said. Most people search for reviews of insurance agents or insurance policies before deciding to opt for their services.

Ask your clients to leave reviews on Google, Facebook, your website, and other platforms. Consequently, prospects will trust you, and you’ll find more insurance leads.

Include these reviews in your direct mail campaigns.

Social Media Ads on different Platforms

As a health insurance provider, you can use graphics and videos to emphasize living a healthy life and having emergency support to pay for your medical needs. Social media ads are one of the easiest ways to do so.

Social media platforms allow you to engage your business’s target audience and offer informative content through ads. This content marketing strategy helps you retain existing clients and attract new ones.

Direct Mail Marketing

Direct mail marketing is the best method that health insurance providers can implement. Thanks to Postalytics, there’s no need for training or certification to launch a direct mail marketing campaign.

Postlaytics offers the insurance industry impressive features, so they target the market easily. With the help of automatic, personalized, and well-designed direct mail, an insurance marketing agent can generate quality insurance leads.

new triggered direct mail personalization tools - contextual direct mail marketing

Life Insurance Marketing Ideas for Local Businesses

Like health insurance providers, a life insurance business requires effective marketing ideas to increase sales.

Build Insurance Website

You can hire an expert to build your insurance website. Sure, you’ll have to pay a professional to build a good-looking and informative website, but once it’s ready, it can help you in several ways.

A major benefit of setting up a website is that it helps you gather reviews and post engaging content. These factors can strengthen your reputation and build your marketing strategy in the long run.

Opt for Automatic Direct Mail

Automatic direct mail marketing allows you to engage with your website’s audience continuously. It helps you connect with prospects and existing customers at the right time throughout their journey.

Postalytics offer an automatic direct mail feature that you can personalize based on your needs. For instance, if your target audience is around 40, you can insert variable data fields in your postcard or letter to build awareness of why they need life insurance.

Create LinkedIn Profile

Creating a LinkedIn profile can help insurance agents make themself look like credible and trustworthy insurance providers. LinkedIn is a professional platform and holds value in different sectors.

When a potential client looks up your work or agency, your LinkedIn account and activities can motivate them to hire your services. Also, once you build a profile, you can use it to engage people and make connections. Ask your clients to give reviews on your profile. You can also share knowledgeable content to spread awareness about the importance of life insurance.

How do I Promote Myself as an Insurance Agent?

Promoting yourself is more challenging than promoting a company if you are an insurance agent. People will take more time to build trust in you and your services. In this case, you need to utilize lead generation tools, target marketing ideas, and referral marketing.

Also, once you start offering your services, try to minimize the risk of complaints. Ask satisfied customers to provide online reviews on your social media pages and website. If you choose referral programs, ask your customers to refer your services to others and get a discount.

Some other marketing efforts and plans that you can opt for include:

  • Hire experts for online marketing
  • Do search engine optimization
  • Advertise your services on social media pages
  • Do email together with direct mail marketing
  • Ensure your presence on every digital platform
  • Run direct marketing campaigns
  • Send postcards with a photo and some information about yourself

If you are on a budget and have a busy schedule, it’s better to opt for direct mail marketing. This type of marketing is easy to manage and helps you stay consistent. Postalytics is an effective platform for agents who don’t have a massive team to devise new marketing strategies.

With the help of Postalytics, lead generation becomes easier, and you can turn them into clients by sharing impactful information.

Postalytics home dashboard
Postalytics home dashboard

Final Thoughts

Insurance marketing is an effective way to accomplish your goals in a short period. However, success is never just about the marketing method you choose but the tools you use to execute it.

In this case, Postalytics is the most powerful marketing tool that helps with direct mail marketing to increase awareness of your insurance agency and its services.

It helps you connect with more potential customers without putting in extra effort and energy and doesn’t require marking industry expertise saving your marketing budget.

So, if you are looking for the most effective way to boost your sales, engage new clients, and satisfy existing customers, Postalytics is the way to go.

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About the Author

Dennis Kelly
Dennis Kelly

Dennis Kelly is CEO and co-founder of Postalytics. Dennis joined Boingnet, the predecessor to Postalytics, in 2013. Boingnet was focused on providing print and direct mail marketing service providers the ability to add digital marketing channels to their direct mail campaigns. Postalytics is Dennis’ 6th startup. He has been involved in starting and growing early-stage technology ventures for over 30 years and has held senior management roles at a diverse set of large technology firms including Computer Associates, Palm Inc. and Achieve Healthcare Information Systems.