Direct Mail Letters Online – Now Supporting Multiple Pages

Direct Mail Letters Online- Multiple Letter Pages

Postalytics clients love how they can send direct mail letters online in a streamlined, automated way. In fact, more of our clients are adding letters into their direct mail marketing mix, for several reasons:

Letters Look More Important

Direct marketers have known for years that letter formats can get higher open rates with certain audiences and for certain products. Want to reach an executive at a business? Send a letter. Do you want to convey a sense of professionalism and formality with your message? Letters are more “dignified” than other mail formats.

Direct Mail Letters Have More Creative Real Estate

Some marketing can’t be done with a simple headline and a few bullet points. Letters offer an opportunity to expand on ideas that require sentences and paragraphs to be fully understood. Story telling can be an incredibly powerful way to connect with your audience. Letters give you far more real estate for your copy and design to work, breathe and educate.

Learn Sales Letter Best Practices

Postalytics Now Sends Multi-page Direct Mail Letters Online

That need for creative real estate has a way of growing. We’ve just drastically expanded the amount of space you have to tell your stories and persuade your audience!

Our single page, 8.5 x 11 letter format has been a pretty popular way to send messages out to an audience in an envelope. But, many clients have asked for more. So, we’ve been working for a few months on structuring a powerful, multi-page direct mail letter option. Now Postalytics offer the ability to send up to 6 printed pages out in a single letter. Some of the options include:

  • Single sided pages – up to 6
  • Double sided pages – up to 12
  • Background image printed on each page

Learn More About Automated Letters

Extra Page Pricing

You’ll pay for multi-page, direct mail letters online like you do for regular Postalytics letters and postcards. The pricing per extra page is the same, regardless of whether you are sending first class or standard class mail. You can pay when you run your campaign, and Postalytics will calculate the total number of pages to calculate your cost. You can also buy direct mail credits for Extra Pages. Pricing for the Extra Pages begins at:

  • Free Plan – $.30 per page
  • Marketer Plan – $.24 per page (volume discounts available)
  • Pro/Agency Plan – $.20 per page (volume discounts available)

Extra Page Direct Mail Credits

Direct mail credits are the best way to save money on Postalytics mailings. You pre-purchase credits that can be used across all of your mailings that use a particular format. We’ve added “Extra Page Direct Mail Credits” to enable volume discount purchases for.

Direct Mail Letters Online - extra page direct mail credits

Important Multi-page Letter Features

Quickly Add or Subtract Pages

Now, within the direct mail letter editor, you can add, subtract and navigate to multiple pages quickly and easily.

Direct Mail Letters Online - add or subtract letter pages

Print Double Sided

By default, your multi-page letter will print on a single side. If you want to print on both sides of the sheet of paper, go to settings and click “Double Sided” (Note – it all costs the same, we get charged the same regardless of the number of sheets of paper).

Direct Mail Letters Online - Double sided printing

Background Images On All Pages Of Direct Mail Letters Online

You can now add a background image and have it appear on all pages as an option. Click on Template Properties to setup a Background Image:

Direct Mail Letters Online - Background Image Selection

Learn More About Multi-Page Direct Mail Letters Online

We’ve updated our Letter Editor User Guide to reflect this powerful new feature. If you’d like to try it out, jump into your account (or create a free account now!) and use the editor to create a powerful multi-page online letter that will drive conversions and sales.

Build A Sample Letter Template – No Login Needed

About the Author

Dennis Kelly
Dennis Kelly
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Dennis Kelly is CEO and co-founder of Postalytics, the leading direct mail automation platform for marketers to build, deploy and manage direct mail marketing campaigns. Postalytics is Dennis’ 6th startup. He has been involved in starting and growing early-stage technology ventures for over 30 years and has held senior management roles at a diverse set of large technology firms including Computer Associates, Palm Inc. and Achieve Healthcare Information Systems.