How To Submit A Guest Post To The Postalytics Blog

guest post marketing blog

The Postalytics Direct Mail Marketing Tech, Tools & Tips blog is a fast growing marketing technology blog. We’re always on the lookout for outstanding marketing content from great writers and designers to contribute guest posts.

What We Look For In Every Post We Publish

Our guest contributors are great at developing new, original content that will engage with our audience of savvy marketers and small businesses. We tend to focus the majority of our content on the world of direct mail marketing and how new technology is rapidly changing it. If you’ve got original content in this category, we’re definitely interested in hearing from you. We also looking for other topics that sophisticated startup and small to mid-sized business marketers care about, such as: design, copywriting, analytics, other channels like email/digital/social, education & development and larger trends within the world of marketing & marketing technology.

We look for the following in every guest post we publish:

  1. High quality original concepts with compelling arguments. We don’t republish content from elsewhere.
  2. Topics that are original to our blog. Don’t send us articles on topics we’ve already covered. Please search through the blog for the topic you’re planning prior to sending us anything.
  3. Well written, clear writing with great grammar.
  4. Proper attribution of outside content referenced in the article, such as quotes and data.
  5. An exclusive on the content. We can’t allow the article to be subsequently published elsewhere, such as on LinkedIn, Medium, your own blog, etc.
  6. Only one link to your website in the body of the article.
  7. In depth articles that add value to our audience’s day.

Common Guest Post Formats Include

Best practices pieces, with practical, fully developed takeaways that sophisticated marketers and small businesses can implement. We recommend these pieces be in excess of 1,500 words.

New insights into recent developments, including analysis of trends, new technologies and tools or data that has surfaced from rigorous analytical study. We recommend these pieces be in excess of 1,500 words.

High impact graphical posts featuring infographics or other highly visual mediums. These posts have less written content, usually a few paragraphs of introduction and conclusion, with the focal point of the post being the visual piece. The visual piece must be well designed, with plenty of white space and include up to date data that is properly attributed.

We Won’t Publish Anything That Is

  1. Spammy or too heavily linked
  2. Explicit, illegal, offensive, inaccurate
  3. A shameless promotion
  4. Poorly written, designed, or attributed
  5. Farmed out content. If you approach us, you write it.
  6. Published somewhere else already
  7. A topic covered on our site already
  8. Not original thought. We’re not looking for pablum, we want insights!

How To Submit A Guest Post To The Postalytics Blog

Please email us at marketing (at) postalytics (dot) com (we’re avoiding crawlers, you get it) with:

  • The completed post as a word doc, google doc or HTML file
  • Images (800 px max width) in a separate folder, include attribution
  • Author bio paragraph with one text link

It may take us up to two weeks to review your article. If it meets our standards and lines up with our content strategy, we’ll be in touch to let you know when your article will be published.

We Reserve The Right To

  • Reject guest post submissions for any reason.
  • Edit your submission, update it over time, add in calls to action and links to other Postalytics content.
  • Include links to the content in our marketing, including email, social media and other channels.

About the Author

Dennis Kelly
Dennis Kelly
Postalytics Home | + posts

Dennis Kelly is CEO and co-founder of Postalytics, the leading direct mail automation platform for marketers to build, deploy and manage direct mail marketing campaigns. Postalytics is Dennis’ 6th startup. He has been involved in starting and growing early-stage technology ventures for over 30 years and has held senior management roles at a diverse set of large technology firms including Computer Associates, Palm Inc. and Achieve Healthcare Information Systems.