A New Way To Save Money With Direct Mail Credits – Postalytics Update

Save Money On Direct Mail With Credits - Stamps Postalytics Anyone that runs or uses a marketing budget is looking for ways to save a buck. With our latest update, we’ve created a new way to save money with direct mail credits, among other cool things.

Save Money With Direct Mail Credits

Stamps have been a big hit over the years. The USPS claims to have printed 19 Billion postage stamps in 2016 alone. People seem to get the value proposition. With our newest release, we’ve given direct mail automation the equivalent of postage stamps. Direct Mail Credits work like stamps, except they fund fully automated direct mail campaigns.

Why did we decide to build this? More & more Postalytics clients are ramping up Triggered Drip campaigns with amazing results. It’s become apparent that we needed to provide a new system for our users to accomplish a couple of things:

  • Save money on direct mail by consolidating purchases into volume tiers
  • Develop an easy way to manage multiple Triggered Drip campaigns
  • Extend these concepts to Smart Send campaigns

With Direct Mail Credits, Postalytics users can now consolidate their purchasing across an unlimited number of Triggered Drip and Smart Send campaigns. You simply buy credits for each of the formats that you’re using, and then draw those credits down when you use them in any of your campaigns.

The best part is that you save money with direct mail creduts by taking advantage of volume discounts. Many marketers are planning their campaigns 6-12 months out. Now, you can bulk purchase for these campaigns and pay less per piece.

Buy Manage Direct Mail Credits - Postalytics

Learn More About Direct Mail Credits

Portrait Mode Postcard Fronts

We built our direct mail editor to make the creation of postcard super easy. We’ve gotten great reviews on it. However, a client pointed out to us that the front of the postcard can often be turned on its side to take advantage of certain types of images. Our editor didn’t support the layering of personalization variables or tracking URLs in portrait mode.

With this release, we’ve fixed that.

Now, when you select a postcard format with either the “Build Offline” or “Create In Postalytics” choices, you now can choose from Portrait or Landscape mode. The editor will be formatted appropriately, making it much easier to layer in the personalization and tracking that make Postalytics so powerful.

save money on direct mail portrait postcard

Send Me Samples

As we’ve analyzed the common usage behaviors of Postalytics customers, we’ve found that quite often they want to send themselves samples of the various formats we offer. In order to facilitate a quick order of a couple of mail pieces, we’ve created “Send Me Samples”. Now, with just a few clicks, you can order a sample of our 6×11, 6×9, or 4×6 postcards, as well as our 8.5×11 letter format.

New accounts will see “Send Me Samples” as one of the first options, and accounts that have sent a campaign can access the feature via the Campaigns menu.

Send Samples Menu

Save Money With Direct Mail Credits- Learn More

If you’d like to learn more about the new features or speak with one of our experts on how Postalytics can help you save money with direct mail creduts:

Contact Postalytics

About the Author

Dennis Kelly
Dennis Kelly
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Dennis Kelly is CEO and co-founder of Postalytics, the leading direct mail automation platform for marketers to build, deploy and manage direct mail marketing campaigns. Postalytics is Dennis’ 6th startup. He has been involved in starting and growing early-stage technology ventures for over 30 years and has held senior management roles at a diverse set of large technology firms including Computer Associates, Palm Inc. and Achieve Healthcare Information Systems.