Use Mail Events to Trigger HubSpot Workflows for Sales Follow-up

We’ve started using a cool new process here at Postalytics that leverages our HubSpot Workflows integration with our Postalytics Triggered Drip Campaigns to help our sales team better engage with our prospects. One of the really unique things we’ve built into the HubSpot Integration is the way that Postalytics Mail Events are synced into HubSpot Contacts. This new process uses Mail Delivery and QR Code Scanning to alert sales reps to follow up on a piece of high value content that prospects can download for free from a triggered CEO thank-you letter.

Mail Events in HubSpot Workflows

This all started when I recently attended INBOUND and sat in on a great session “Meetup: Proven Strategies for Sales Leaders in 2025!”. It was a fun, info packed collaborative session run by Carole Mahoney (Author of Buyer First: Grow Your Business With Collaborative Selling) and Lori Richardson (Author of She Sells: Attract, Promote, and Retain Great Women in B2B Sales). After some intros, all of the attendees broke into working groups that were focused on brainstorming for some innovative ideas.

I joined a group led by leading outbound sales consultant Leslie Venetz where we broke down a number of interesting ideas to enable sales reps, SDR/BDRs and others to better engage with target audiences. Leslie and our group quickly landed on the opportunity to send a high value asset to prospects as a reason for SDR/BDR types to follow up multiple times and increase engagement. Several folks in the audience had examples that had worked great for them, which got me thinking.

The Thank-You Letter Strategy – Updated

When I was a kid, my mother would never let the opportunity pass to reinforce the importance of sending a thank-you note to each person who gave me a gift. So as a person who has spent hundreds of hours of their life writing thank-you notes, the idea of automating the process and extending this simple gesture of thanks to my business was a no-brainer.

As a result, every time a new prospective customer signs up for a Postalytics free account, we send them a thank-you letter, from me. It took all of 15 minutes to write up the letter in the Postalytics Editor and another 5 minutes to drop it into a Triggered Drip campaign and connect it to a HubSpot Workflow.

New Free Account Send Letter
Free Account Thank You Letter

We’ve been sending this mailer out—fully automated—for years. It’s worked great, and we’ve gotten both strong campaign KPE’s and positive feedback from customers verbally about the letter. It’s a small thing, but effective.

The High-Value Marketing Asset: Direct Mail/Email Workflows

Each of the letters that gets sent out as a part of this workflow includes a personalized QR code that enables the recipient to download a high-value marketing asset. We worked with a big-name Chief Creative Officer to develop 7 different workflows that leverage both email and direct mail cadences to solve a wide variety of marketing needs, from Lead Generation to Win-back Campaigns. These have been among the most popular marketing assets we’ve ever created at Postalytics, and including them in on this thank-you letter has worked out really well.

p QR Code Workflow Download

The “Aha” Moment That Leverages Postalytics Mail Events

While I listened to these really smart sales leaders discuss ways to leverage high value marketing assets to drive better & more sales conversations, I realized that we have a great opportunity to further leverage the Postalytics HubSpot integration. Rather than mailing the letter and hoping the recipient takes advantage of our offer, we can leverage the unique Postalytics Mail Events capabilities to alert the sales team to pick up the phone and connect with the recipient, thus driving engagement higher.

Choose Postalytics Mail Events

Because the HubSpot Integration we’ve set up uses the Mail Events “Processed for Delivery”, “Delivered”, “pURL Opened” and “pURL Completed”, each of these events can be used to drive unique sales outreach. We decided to build a simple workflow on “Processed for Delivery” (meaning that the mailpiece has been locally scanned and greenlit for delivery within the next 24 hours) and “pURL Opened” (meaning the QR code has been scanned and the recipient has downloaded the asset).

Setting Up the Mail Events Workflow

Creating the proper enrollment trigger is always the most important first step in creating a great-performing HubSpot Workflow. The Postalytics HubSpot integration makes it really easy. Here are the first couple of steps:

  • Make sure you’ve set up the Postalytics HubSpot Premium Integration (this won’t work for the Basic Integration)
  • Make sure the integration is configured to “send back to Premium Objects” the Mail Events you want to use in your Workflow
  • Choose a Contact-based, Blank Workflow
  • Set up Triggers, and choose ‘When filter criteria is met’
  • In the “Add criteria” panel, under “Integration filters”, choose Postalytics (not Postalytics Reporting)
HubSpot Workflow Postalytics Integration Filter

Once you’ve selected the Postalytics Integration filter, choose “Postalytics Mail Event properties” (not Postalytics Tracking Event properties).

You’ll then have several choices to filter on as you edit the Trigger criteria (Campaign, Campaign Created Date, Mail Drop ID, Mail Format, etc.). To set up the trigger to alert a sales rep when like what we’ve done, select “Postalytics Event Type”.

From there, you can select from any of the Postalytics Mail Events that HubSpot can consume. We chose “Processed for Delivery” as the first filter criteria, as we want our sales team to connect with the recipient just prior to the arrival of the thank you letter & offer to download workflows.

Postalytics Mail Event Processed for Delivery in HubSpot Workflow

Choose Your Sales Team Alerts

After you’ve got the enrollment trigger configured, you’ll next want to structure the logic to alert your sales team when the enrollment criteria is met (in this case, when the USPS alerts Postalytics that the letter is Processed for Delivery). For our first iteration of this, we’ve chosen to set up HubSpot Task for the Contact Owner as well as a reminder email the following day. The task & email have personalized merge tabs from the Contact record, prompting the rep to call the prospect with all the information they need to alert them of the high value asset on its way.

HubSpot Task To call Prospects in Workflow

It’s Early, But Sales Team Adoption Seems Strong

The key to any marketing/sales imitative is to get buy-in from the sales team. While this new workflow was just recently launched, the reps are saying they’re fired up to take advantage of this. While it shows off the compelling and unique Postalytics Mail Events features, it also gives our sales team insights into what’s happening in an offline channel that happens to have much higher response rates than their email workhorse. I’ll report back in a couple of months after we’ve processed several hundred of these with some data. We’re hoping that this extra touch from the sales team both juices an already strong performing campaign and helps the sales team create more goodwill with a non-salesy touch to our best prospects.

Let’s Brainstorm Around Ways to use Postalytics Mail Events

If you’re interested in nerding out with us on ways to leverage this powerful offline set of events, we’d love to hear from you! Contact your rep or hit us up on our Contact page.

Contact Postalytics

About the Author

Dennis Kelly
Dennis Kelly

Dennis Kelly is CEO and co-founder of Postalytics, the leading direct mail automation platform for marketers to build, deploy and manage direct mail marketing campaigns. Postalytics is Dennis’ 6th startup. He has been involved in starting and growing early-stage technology ventures for over 30 years and has held senior management roles at a diverse set of large technology firms including Computer Associates, Palm Inc. and Achieve Healthcare Information Systems.