Direct Mail Address Quality Management

Reduce returned mail and boost response rates with Postalytics’s address quality management. 


From address verification to maintaining addresses in the correct format, Postalytics does it all for you.

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Trusted by thousands of companies

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No mailing caps

3,000+ integrations

Verify the validity of each address in your mailing list

A correct address format ensures the mail reaches the right address and is not rejected. 


Postalytics runs a series of automated checks on your list and marks addresses as “Invalid” if they aren’t formatted correctly.

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Get mailing address lookup through CASS

Postalytics’ powerful CASS-certified software allows you to find the address of any building using only a zip code. 


It can also verify addresses and keep your lists clean – marketers can perform bulk checks of addresses to remove the invalid ones within minutes.

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Keep your mailing lists clean with USPS Address Verification

Our system utilizes USPS resources to keep your mailing lists updated.


Postalytics offers built-in features and checks for bulk address verification – get the correct city and state data and verify the recipient’s shipping address.

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Put an end to dead mail with NCOA Database

The NCOA (National Change of Address) Database tracks all permanent addresses of individuals and businesses and any changes to them.


When senders use Postalytics, they reduce marketing waste. The database provides the most up-to-date address data, helping mails get delivered to the right addresses.

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Choose the Right Plan for You

Start with a free account today. No credit card required.
No need to cancel your account as you will always have a free account with Postalytics.

Free Plan

✅Direct Mail Editor & Proofer

✅ One User Login

✉️ Send Samples

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Pro & Agency Plan

✅ Lowest Per-Piece Price

✅ Unlimited White Labeled Client Accounts & Margin

✅ Easy Management Tools

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JM Sells Law uses integrations to trigger personalized mails

Learn how JM Sells Law drivers 5% responses and 75% conversion with Postalytics

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Postalytics integrates with your favorite tech

Discover 3,000+ direct mail integrations developed to help marketers

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Get Inspired By

Find out how Postalytics customers outperform their competition with direct mail

Automate direct mail to drive awareness and event responses

A nonprofit organization uses Postalytics to drive higher donations and event attendance

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Goodman Manufacturing utilizes Postalytics’ direct mail address verification

Learn how a manufacturing firm saves time and money with Postalytics

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Target recipients at scale with automated direct marketing

CME provider targets 50 medical specialties in 50 states with Postalytics

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Beat generic marketing with personalized letters and postcards

Personalized mail drives responses and conversions

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Our Customers Say It Best

“Now we know our list is around 33,000 names. We had believed it to be larger, and we were paying the third parties for more work than was necessary. Once we concentrated on actual people who were not duplicates or missing information, that really opened our eyes to how a clean list should look.”

– Tanya Steindl, Goodman Manufacturing

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The first direct mail automation platform. Reap tested-and-tried marketing channels from the comfort of your computer.