Automate Postalytics tasks using Zapier

Discover how you can automate tasks with Zapier and streamline your direct mail workflows.


Direct marketers can use it to automate direct mail activities, track direct mail delivery and response and trigger multi-channel campaigns with ease.

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Automate Postalytics tasks using Zapier

Zapier + Postalytics: Stand Out to Your Audience

Let Zapier drive Postalytics automated direct mail for better marketing

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Discover how Postalytics plugs into Zapier so you can drive more sales with automated direct mail as a part of easy to manage omnichannel marketing campaigns.

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Automate Direct Mail with Zapier and Postalytics

The Zapier integration makes automating various parts of direct marketing super easy.

Zapier is a powerful software integration tool that allows anyone to weave together web applications. There are hundreds of apps available in the Zapier directory that you can use to drive automated direct mail, including CRM, marketing automation and ecommerce tools. Postalytics has developed both an “Action” and a “Trigger” to work with the CRM, Marketing Automation, Email Marketing and the other tools that work with Zapier.

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The Postalytics Send Direct Mail Zapier Action

In Zapier, an Action is set up to listen and wait for a Trigger to initiate it. When you set up your Postalytics Triggered Drip Campaign using our Zapier integration, that campaign will be capable of being used as a Send Direct Mail Action.


This Action can be used to send any supported Postalytics format (postcards and letters), and it can be a part of a multi-step workflow within Zapier. You can learn more about configuring the Send Direct Mail Zapier Action here.

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Trigger New Campaign Events

Triggers are applications that kick off a new or the next step of a Zapier workflow. The Postalytics New Campaign Event Trigger will populate the Action app (typically a CRM or Automation tool) with a custom field designed to track the delivery and response status codes that Postalytics generates when mail is sent. So, if you want to trigger an email when a direct mail recipient receives their mail, this is your go-to integration.

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Create Multiple Zaps

A zap is a task automation that links one or more apps. Postalytics has created zaps that are specially built for direct marketers. You can track activity when an opportunity is added to the tool of your choice, send text messages when response status changes, or update subscribers. All of this can be easily set up with Zapier-Postalytics integration.

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Highly personalized direct mail gets more sign-ups

Mention how MCC gets more credit union customers with direct marketing

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Postalytics integrates with your favorite tech

Discover 3,000+ direct mail integrations developed to help marketers

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Postalytics-Zapier integration helps stand out in a crowded market

JM Sells Law uses automatically triggered direct mail to increase response and conversion rate

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Engage your audience using personalization

 Nuclear Care Partners uses personalization features in Postalytics to enable strong engagement with its audience

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No minimum automation drives rental vacation ROI

Vacation Reputation uses Zapier integration to enable tiny match, fully personalized and tracked direct mail via automation

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Dynamic content helps get good returns for an education firm

Personalization and multi-touch direct mail help an education firm stand out

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Our Customers Say It Best

“The campaign more than paid for itself within the first couple of days. What we were shocked to learn was that new orders, directly attributable to the mail piece, continued to roll in throughout the month. While our email only campaigns provide temporary jolts in orders, the Postalytics campaigns generate a steady stream, or longer tail of orders.”

– Pete Minich, Fresh City

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