Automated File Campaign

Set up automated file campaigns with ease using CSV or Excel data for your ongoing direct mail efforts.

With the automated reuse of creative content, ensure campaigns remain up-to-date with minimal manual intervention.

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Woman with a laptop on her lap, a robotic arm on the side and some gears on top

Trusted by thousands of Organizations

Free templates

No mailing caps

3,000+ integrations

Build Once, Run Continuously

Schedule your campaigns within a few minutes without the need for frequent changes.

Use the automated file campaigns functionality to replicate the campaign for later use, saving marketers and teams the time invested in building everything from scratch.

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Data-Driven Precision

Create campaigns that are bound to get results because of data-driven targeting.

By leveraging external data sources like Excel or CSV files, you can import addresses, preferences, and other details to Postalytics. This precise targeting leads to improved response rates and conversions.

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Effortless Campaign Flow

Say goodbye to lengthy turnaround times for direct marketing.

With Postalytics, creating an automated campaign involves only a few easy steps. Once you get the hang of it, you can create and set up workflows that make direct marketing as easy and seamless as email marketing.

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Adaptable for Every Need

Create campaigns for different purposes with an all-in-one platform like Postalytics.

Whether you’re trying to attract leads or upsell existing customers, our wide range of templates and customization options get you results for each campaign type and format.

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Choose the Right Plan for You

Start with a free account today. No credit card required.
No need to cancel your account as you will always have a free account with Postalytics.

Free Plan

✅Direct Mail Editor & Proofer

✅ One User Login

✉️ Send Samples

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Pro & Agency Plan

✅ Lowest Per-Piece Price

✅ Unlimited White Labeled Client Accounts & Margin

✅ Easy Management Tools

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Automate Your Direct Mail

All you need to automate your direct mail marketing today

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Postalytics integrates with your favorite tech

Discover 3,000+ direct mail integrations developed to help marketers

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Get Inspired By

Find out how Postalytics customers outperform their competition with direct mail

JM Sells Law

Personalized Direct Mail Via Zapier Integration Drives Dramatic Results for This Law Firm

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Insurance Broker Direct Mail Case Study

Deploy automated direct mail using the integration with Zoho CRM to drive leads and referrals

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Ecommerce Direct Mail Case Study

Achieve a 500% increase in ROI by creating powerful postcards to re-engage customers who ignore email efforts

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Sigma Marketing

Triggered letters from HubSpot bring 100% more leads

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our Customers Say It Best

“I think the variable data was probably one of the biggest pieces of Postalytics that we started using. We are able to do a more targeted campaign since we don’t have those minimums.”

Kendra Knauer, Marketing Supervisor, Nuclear Care Partners

Start Your Automated File Campaign Today

Upgrade to a Pro or Agency plan and get in touch with our team to find out how you can use automated file campaigns.